Jesus calls us to follow Him as soldiers without reserve. Those who are dead to themselves are the only living preachers.
Live Like a Soldier | Part 1
Once a soldier has received his orders and got his message, let him remember that the King’s business requires haste. Learn to strike while the iron is hot.
The Power of Serving with Joy
Your joy can convict unbelievers and be a powerful means of winning them to Jesus.
How Does Sanctification Work?
How do you explain the sanctification process? As we follow Jesus, does God do all the work, while we just sit back and watch? Or do we have a part in our own growth process?
Fuel for Ministry
When Paul wrote his letter to the Christians in Colosse, he talked about his goals for ministry. But he didn’t stop there. He went on to explain what really fueled his work and enabled him to present believers mature in Christ.
The Key Mindset for Fruitful Ministry
With all the demands on Christians in ministry, it's easy to experience discouragement and burnout. Here's what the Bible says about preventing burnout and experiencing fruitful ministry.
What’s the Foundation for Effective Ministry?
The biblical essentials for a thriving ministry are so simple, yet we often look past these key truths without realizing it.
What Makes Effective Teams?
Imagine an environment where people are excited about working with your ministry, committed through hard times, engaged in deep and meaningful relationships, and trusting each other and their leaders. That kind of ministry will be exponentially effective, and God will be glorified as we are conformed into His image in these areas. Here's how to cultivate that environment in your ministry.
The Skill of Stewardship
Those of us who want to live intentional and impactful lives like Jesus must understand that this takes place in the practical everyday stuff of life.
Team Unity: Creating a Culture of Trust
When it comes down to the core of what makes a team “click” and what makes an organization healthy, trust between the members of the team is critically important.