The Lord is the conductor of your days and you can entrust the seeds you've sown into the His capable and all knowing hands.
Tag Archive: family devotions
Listen and Love
You can discover a lot about a person when you listen to their words. You learn what they believe, about their passion, about their pain.
Bible Storytelling: Eye to Eye, Mind to Mind, Heart to Heart
God's Word is living and active. It is a seed that produces life. There are no easy answers for the problems and questions of broken people, but there is a Good Teacher who knows all the answers and who gave us His Story to share.
5 Ways to Make Family Discipleship Hands-On
How do you know the truth is sticking with your kids? Here are five ways you can make a greater impact in family discipleship to effectively impart truth that stays with your kids long after they have grown and left home.
Douglas Bond Interview: What Makes Heroic Life Discipleship Unique?
Douglas Bond, author of more than twenty-five books, is Director for the Oxford Creative Writing Master Class, conference speaker, and leader of Church history tours in Europe. Read his interview with Michael Morgan, director of Heroic Life Discipleship.
A Servant Heart: Cultivating a Lifestyle of Service in Your Family
It is essential that as we teach our children the importance of service, it is done by prayerfully and intentionally pointing them back to the ultimate Servant, Jesus Christ.
How Early Do You Start Family Devotions?
Four steps for beginning and maintaining effective family devotions with even your youngest kids.
The Case for Messy Devotions
Your goal is not to fix your family (as if they were a broken machine); they are a garden that needs to be routinely tended.
Letter to the Parent of a Strong-Willed Child
The world can look at challenging characteristics in our children as a flaw and say, “If only my child weren’t like this, it would make my job easy.” Those same challenging characteristics are a powerful tool in the right hands.
Family and Ministry: Thriving Inside and Outside the Home
How do we obey Jesus by both discipling and caring well for our children and fulfilling the other commandments we see in Scripture to love and serve others in the capacities that we feel called to?