As a leader your calling is first to your team, to lay down your life for them, care for them, and serve them.
How to Create a Culture of Team Community

As a leader your calling is first to your team, to lay down your life for them, care for them, and serve them.
When good communication is not in place, your people will feel left out, marginalized, and, worst of all, that you don’t trust them. Here are three ways to practice excellent communication within your ministry organization.
When you explain the “why” behind your ministry, people who identify with your vision will “get” it and be passionate about it. They’ll want to join your cause because they care about it.
The biblical essentials for a thriving ministry are so simple, yet we often look past these key truths without realizing it.
As a leader your calling is first to your team, to lay down your life for them, care for them, and serve them.
When good communication is not in place, your people will feel left out, marginalized, and, worst of all, that you don’t trust them. Here are three ways to practice excellent communication within your ministry organization.
When you explain the “why” behind your ministry, people who identify with your vision will “get” it and be passionate about it. They’ll want to join your cause because they care about it.
To be truly effective disciplers, we must connect with God before teaching others to do the same.
It’s most important as ministry leaders to really know who God is and what His character is. He is the why of what we do.
Although discipleship and sharing the gospel never happens the same way twice, having a base of truth that you can easily reference in your mind and pull from when you’re sharing can be very helpful.
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