When it comes down to the core of what makes a team “click” and what makes an organization healthy, trust between the members of the team is critically important.
Creating a Ministry Culture of Trust

When it comes down to the core of what makes a team “click” and what makes an organization healthy, trust between the members of the team is critically important.
Children’s ministry is, oddly enough, about much more than children’s ministry. It’s also about serving the people on your team.
What if your team found children's ministry an experience that builds them up, strengthens them spiritually, and leaves them wanting to continue working with the team?
The Trinity is one of the most difficult truths about God to try to grasp, but it can also become the perfect opportunity to introduce children to just how incomprehensibly amazing God is.
Use Scripture to teach kids to pray and strengthen your own relationship with God through prayer.
What happens when an inner-city mission reaches out to hurting kids in some of the hardest places? Here’s what one children’s ministry leader has to share about lessons learned when working with unchurched, forgotten children.
What you believe, what you prioritize, and how you live out your worship will all rub off on those you disciple.
Are you looking for ways to bring kid's ministry to your community? Hear how a family team has made an impact in their public elementary school through a Good News Club for the past ten years.
It is essential that as we teach our children the importance of service, it is done by prayerfully and intentionally pointing them back to the ultimate Servant, Jesus Christ.
Your ability to reach another human heart is not dependent on where you are placed or what your surroundings might be. Your ability to share extraordinary gospel truths depends only upon your willingness to let the work of Christ be channeled through you.
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