As parents who love Jesus, our greatest goal should be to disciple our children to love and obey God, and one of the best ways to do that is through our daily conversations.
Tag Archive: teaching children
4 Truths We Can Teach Our Children Through Hospitality
Hospitality is not about impressing others or making ourselves feel good. It's an avenue God has given us to fulfill the two greatest commandments Jesus gave: love God and love others.
A Servant Heart: Cultivating a Lifestyle of Service in Your Family
It is essential that as we teach our children the importance of service, it is done by prayerfully and intentionally pointing them back to the ultimate Servant, Jesus Christ.
The Mission Field at the Changing Table
In the mundane, daily moments, it can be easy to lose sight of the mission field right in your own home.
The Little Moments: Discipling Your Children in Daily LIfe
As parents, it’s our responsibility to train our children, both in words and in example, what it looks like to live for God in all facets of life.