The Lord is the conductor of your days and you can entrust the seeds you've sown into the His capable and all knowing hands.
Tag Archive: raising kids
Starting Spiritual Conversations with Your Kids
As parents who love Jesus, our greatest goal should be to disciple our children to love and obey God, and one of the best ways to do that is through our daily conversations.
Family on Mission | Book Review
Juggling family life and ministry life separately can lead to burnout and failure to thrive. Here's how one family learned to integrate these arenas into one mission.
The Urgency of Our Calling
As parents, we are raising the next generation. This will require intentionality and planning. We need to have a vision for where we are going.
4 Truths We Can Teach Our Children Through Hospitality
Hospitality is not about impressing others or making ourselves feel good. It's an avenue God has given us to fulfill the two greatest commandments Jesus gave: love God and love others.
How Early Do You Start Family Devotions?
Four steps for beginning and maintaining effective family devotions with even your youngest kids.
The Mission Field at the Changing Table
In the mundane, daily moments, it can be easy to lose sight of the mission field right in your own home.
3 Ways to Give Kids a Heart for Missions
When Jesus sent out His disciples to carry His message, He reminded us that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. So what was His strategy for mobilizing more workers? He told them to pray and ask the Lord of the harvest to send out more workers. Prayer is God’s plan for mobilizing missionaries. If we pray that He will send out more workers, He will.