Posts about Missions

Welcome and Wash

Both welcoming and washing require emptying yourself to serve others, which might sound like more than you can handle this Advent season. But no one who opens the door to Jesus and shares a meal with Him goes away hungry.

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3 Ways to Give Kids a Heart for Missions

When Jesus sent out His disciples to carry His message, He reminded us that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. So what was His strategy for mobilizing more workers? He told them to pray and ask the Lord of the harvest to send out more workers. Prayer is God’s plan for mobilizing missionaries. If we pray that He will send out more workers, He will.

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How to Reach an American Orphan

The number of children in foster care is skyrocketing. There are nearly 428,000 children in the United States who are currently in foster care. The reasons many of these kids are in care can vary widely, from their parents not having adequate heating to severe abuse. Recently, more children have been entering the system due to the rise in serious drug use.

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