In the mundane, daily moments, it can be easy to lose sight of the mission field right in your own home.
The Mission Field at the Changing Table

In the mundane, daily moments, it can be easy to lose sight of the mission field right in your own home.
As parents, it’s our responsibility to train our children, both in words and in example, what it looks like to live for God in all facets of life.
Are you tired of buying kids more stuff for Christmas? Use this season to invest in some meaningful and fun gifts that will help your kids grow in their relationship with Jesus.
Talking to our children about hell is not an easy thing. But the reality is that if we give our children an accurate portrayal of the gospel, it must include the eternity of pain we are spared from when we believe in the gift of salvation that Jesus purchased for us.
Read about four steps for how to begin and maintain effective family devotions with little ones.
What is your vision for your family’s discipleship? How can you keep devotions from becoming just an item on your to-do list?
When Jesus sent out His disciples to carry His message, He reminded us that the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. So what was His strategy for mobilizing more workers? He told them to pray and ask the Lord of the harvest to send out more workers. Prayer is God’s plan for mobilizing missionaries. If we pray that He will send out more workers, He will.
How do you know the truth is sticking with your kids? Here are five ways you can make a greater impact in family discipleship to effectively impart truth that stays with your kids long after they have grown and left home.
Your goal is not to fix your family (as if they were a broken machine); they are a garden that needs to be routinely tended.
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