The Lord is the conductor of your days and you can entrust the seeds you've sown into the His capable and all knowing hands.
Among My Sprays:

The Lord is the conductor of your days and you can entrust the seeds you've sown into the His capable and all knowing hands.
Our homes, our kitchens, our comfy couches, or even our loud, messy toy rooms can play one of the most important roles in the making of disciples.
Be encouraged in your parenting journey. Jesus has purchased and given us everything we need to do what He’s called us to, if we’ll only surrender ourselves as tools for the work He longs to do.
As parents who love Jesus, our greatest goal should be to disciple our children to love and obey God, and one of the best ways to do that is through our daily conversations.
Children are like sponges, and there is no better way to take advantage of that during the young years of their brain development than by filling their minds and hearts with eternal, life-giving Truth.
The Trinity is one of the most difficult truths about God to try to grasp, but it can also become the perfect opportunity to introduce children to just how incomprehensibly amazing God is.
Juggling family life and ministry life separately can lead to burnout and failure to thrive. Here's how one family learned to integrate these arenas into one mission.
As parents, we are raising the next generation. This will require intentionality and planning. We need to have a vision for where we are going.
Hospitality is not about impressing others or making ourselves feel good. It's an avenue God has given us to fulfill the two greatest commandments Jesus gave: love God and love others.
Does your child know that you love them? How do they know? Learning your child's love language can be an effective tool for showing your love for them and teaching them to love others too.
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